Recent Advances in Cognitive Systems Pat Langley 1 PDF 
The Central Role of Cognition in Learning Pat Langley 3 PDF 
Why Generality is Key to Human-Level Artificial Intelligence Tarek Besold, Ute Schmid 13 PDF 
A Call for Flow Modeling in Interactive Storytelling Vadim Bulitko, David Thue 25 PDF 
Refereed Articles
Language Understanding With Ontological Semantics Marjorie McShane, Sergei Nirenburg, Stephen Beale 35 PDF 
Humor: A Dynamic and Dual-Process Theory with Computational Considerations Boyang Li 57 PDF 
Qualitative Models for Strategic Planning Thomas Hinrichs, Kenneth Forbus 75 PDF 
A Planning and Learning Hierarchy using Qualitative Reasoning for the On-Line Acquisition of Robotic Behaviors Timothy Wiley, Claude Sammut, Bernhard Hengst, Ivan Bratko 93 PDF 
Looking Around the Mind’s Eye: Attention-Based Access to Visual Search Templates in Working Memory Maithilee Kunda, Julia Ting 113 PDF 
TRESTLE: A Model of Concept Formation in Structured Domains Christopher MacLellan, Erik Harpstead, Vincent Aleven, Kenneth Koedinger 131 PDF 
Functional Model Simulation for Evaluating Design Concepts Bryan Wiltgen, Ashok Goel 151 PDF 
Exploiting Connectivity for Case Construction in Learning by Reading David Barbella, Kenneth Forbus 169 PDF 
Lexicalized Reasoning about Actions Christopher Geib 187 PDF 
Heuristic Adaptation of Scientific Process Models Adam Arvay, Pat Langley 207 PDF 
Question Answering in the Context of Stories Generated by Computers Rogelio Cardona-Rivera, Thomas Price, David Winer, R. Michael Young 227 PDF 
Automatically Resolving Difficult Referring Expressions Marjorie McShane, Petr Babkin 247 PDF 