Schedule for the Sixth Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems

Saturday, August 18, 2018 / Room LK130

Time Presenters Title
  9:00 AM Pat Langley Opening Remarks
  9:30 AM Marjorie McShane, Sergei Nirenburg, and Jesse English Multi-Stage Language Understanding and Actionability
10:00 AM J. William Murdock, Lin Pan, Chung-Wei Hang, Mary Swift, et al. Engineered AI Still Matters for Question Answering
10:30 AM Break
11:00 AM James Allen, Choh Man Teng, and Lucian Galescu Dialogue as Collaborative Problem Solving: A Case Study
11:30 AM Jakob Suchan, Mehul Bhatt, Srikrishna Varadarajan, et al. Semantic Analysis of Visual Symmetry: A Human-Centred Computational Model for Declarative Explainability
12:00 PM Leilani Gilpin, Jamie Macbeth, and Evelyn Florentine Monitoring Scene Understanders with Conceptual Primitive Decomposition and Commonsense Knowledge
12:30 PM Lunch
  2:00 PM Kenneth Forbus Herbert A. Simon Prize address / How to Foment a Cognitive Systems Revolution
  2:30 PM Karen Myers Invited talk / Artificial Intelligence for Augmenting Human Capabilities
  3:00 PM Johann DeKleer Commentary / Discussion
  3:30 PM Break
  4:00 PM Andrew Gordon Interpretation of the Heider-Simmel Film Using Incremental Etcetera Abduction
  4:30 PM Himanshu Joshi, Paul S. Rosenbloom, and Volkan Ustun Exact, Tractable Inference in the Sigma Cognitive Architecture via Sum-Product Networks
  5:00 PM Mark Law, Alessandra Russo, and Krysia Broda Inductive Learning of Answer Set Programs from Noisy Examples
  5:30 PM Break
  6:00 PM Poster Session / Reception
  8:30 PM Day ends

Sunday, August 19, 2018 / Room LK130

Time Presenters Title
  9:00 AM Matthew Peveler, Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu, Selmer Bringsjord, et al. Toward Cognitive-and-Immersive Systems: Experiments in a Cognitive Microworld
  9:30 AM Bart Gajderowicz, Mark Fox, and Michael Gruninger The Role of Goal Ranking and Mood-Based Utility in Dynamic Replanning Strategies
10:00 AM Adam Amos-Binks, Randall Spain, and R. Michael Young Subjective Experience of Plan-based Intention Revision
10:30 AM Break
11:00 AM Tristan Thrush and Patrick Winston The Partial Mental State Inducer: Learning Intuition with Few Training Examples and K-line Theory
11:30 AM Eric Yeh, Melinda Gervasio, Daniel Sanchez, et al. Bridging the Gap: Converting Human Advice into Imagined Examples
12:00 PM Tyler Frasca, Bradley Oosterveld, Evan Krause, and Matthias Scheutz One-Shot Interaction Learning from Natural Language Instruction and Demonstration
12:30 PM Lunch
  2:00 PM Peter Norvig Invited talk / Beyond Pattern Recognition
  2:30 PM Christopher Manning Invited talk / Towards Neural Network Models That Can Reason
  3:00 PM David McDonald Commentary / Discussion
  3:30 PM Break
  4:00 PM Christopher Maclellan, Erik Harpstead, Robert Marinier III, and Kenneth Koedinger A Framework for Natural Cognitive System Training Interactions
  4:30 PM Vasanth Sarathy, Bradley Oosterveld, Evan Krause, Matthias Scheutz Learning Cognitive Affordances for Objects from Natural Language Instruction
  5:00 PM Mohan Sridharan and Ben Meadows Knowledge Representation and Interactive Learning of Domain Knowledge for Human-Robot Interaction
  5:30 PM Break
  6:00 PM Poster Session / Reception
  8:30 PM Day ends

Monday, August 20, 2018 / Room LK120    [note room change]

Time Presenters Title
  9:30 AM Will Bridewell, Christina Wasylyshyn, and Paul Bello Towards an Attention-Driven Model of Task Switching
10:00 AM Ellis Brown II, Soobeen Park, Noel Warford, et al. SpatioTemporal Template-based Search: An Architecture to Model Human Search for Spatiotemporal Targets
10:30 AM Break
11:00 AM Kenneth Forbus, Jerry Kaplan, John Markoff, Richard Waldinger, and a surprise guest Panel: History of AI and Cognitive Systems
12:00 PM Lunch
  1:30 PM Erik T. Mueller Invited talk / Creative Intelligent Assistants: The Need for Lateral Thinking and Tact
  2:00 PM Colleen Seifert Invited talk / Design as Inventive Problem Solving
  2:30 PM Michael Cox Commentary / Discussion
  3:00 PM Break
  3:30 PM Sunandita Patra, Malik Ghallab, Dana Nau, and Paolo Traverso Using Operational Models to Integrate Acting and Planning
  4:00 PM Dustin Dannenhauer, Michael Cox, and Hector Munoz-Avila Declarative Metacognitive Expectations for High-Level Cognition
  4:30 PM Pat Langley, Mike Barley, and Ben Meadows Adaptive Search in a Hierarchical Problem-Solving Architecture
  5:00 PM Conference Participants Closing discussion
  5:30 PM Day ends

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