The Students of Cognitive Systems workshop (SOCS-16) is aimed at Ph.D. students who have completed a majority of their course work and are working towards proposing a thesis. Students will be paired with more experienced mentors based on shared interest and research themes. Approximately 8-10 students will be invited to participate.

The workshop has the following primary goals:

The workshop schedule is now available for download.

Thursday, June 23
Time Title Presenters
9:00 AM Breakfast
9:30 AM Welcome & Introductions
10:00 AM Filling the Gaps: An Ablation Study of Dialogue Understanding       Petr Babkin
10:30 AM Apprentice Learner Architecture Christopher MacLellan
11:00 AM Break (15 minutes)
11:15 AM The Role of Analogy in Social Cognition Irina Rabkina
11:45 AM Projective Replay Analysis Erik Harpstead
12:15 PM Lunch (75 minutes)
1:30 PM Keynote: Finding and telling stories at Internet scale Professor Larry Birnbaum
2:00 PM Break (15 minutes)
2:15 PM Plan and Goal Recognition Through Mirroring Mor Vered
2:45 PM Modeling the Phases of Skill Acquisition Caitlin Tenison
3:15 PM Break (15 minutes)
3:30 PM Episodic Memory in a Cognitive Model David Menager
4:00 PM Break (15 minutes)
4:15 PM Career Panel
5:30 PM Conclusions & Walk to Dinner
6:00 PM Dinner at Flat Top

Workshop Location:

2133 Sheridan Rd. Evanston, IL, 60208

Ford Design Studio Conference Room, room 1.230

Dinner Location:

FlatTop Grill, 707 Church St. Evanston, IL, 60208

Conference Hotel:

1818 Maple Ave. Evanston, IL, 60201

For more information about transportation to and from Evanston, visit

Travel Awards

We have applied for funding in order to give National Science Foundation (NSF) Travel Awards to students from United States Universities who participate. Soon, we will post more details in this section about possible travel grants. Please check back soon!

Submission Procedure

Interested students should assemble a PDF packet with the following materials:

At the conference, students will give a short presentation on their work. Please plan to speak for 10-12 minutes, allowing 3-5 minutes for questions.

All applications will be submitted using EasyChair (applicants will have to create an EasyChair account if they do not have one already).

Students of Cognitive Systems (SOCS) submission site

Important Dates


If you have any questions about participation, please feel free to contact Clifton McFate (

Organizing Committee for SOCS 2016
